Az 1956-os forradalom vértanúja, Maléter Pál Honvédelmi Miniszter által használt tank gyerekjáték változata. A tank teste egy fadarab, kerekei szögekkel rögzített 1956-os lyukas kétfilléresek.
Fa, szög, aluminium kétfilléresek
13,5 cm × 7 cm × 2 cm
[Maléter's Tank]
The children's toy version of the tank used by Pál Maléter, Minister of Defence, martyr of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. A piece of wood serves as the main body of the tank, while its wheels are holey 2 fillér coins from 1956..
The children's toy version of the tank used by Pál Maléter, Minister of Defence, martyr of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. A piece of wood serves as the main body of the tank, while its wheels are holey 2 fillér coins from 1956..